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[Musikmesse] SPL Transpressor

SPL has just announced the Transpressor, a new dynamic processing tool, described as the first processor that combines level-independent compression and treatment of transients.
A transient can be defined as the first impulse of a waveform. What the Transient Designer does is shape the waveform according to the transient, and it only needs two controls to achieve that, either by amplifying or attenuating the attack and/or sustain. Among its most common uses are the sound shaping of percussion instruments, the attenuation or intensification of stringed instruments or vocal consonant transients, etc., the company says.

The compressor includes all standard parameters like Threshold, Ratio, Attack, Release, and Make-Up gain.

There is also a bandpass filter for the mids and two low pass filters for the lows that allow for a much more focused compression of specific frequency ranges or instruments. A side chain input allows for external control of the compressor while a Dry/Wet control determines the balance between the original and the processed signal.

The Transpressor is designed as a single channel unit but you can always couple two in order to do some stereo processing.

The prototype of the Transpressor will be displayed at the Musikmesse in Frankfurt from the 24th to the 27th of March, 2010. You can find the SPL stand (B82) in Hall 5.1.

Pricing and availability will be announced at the Messe.
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