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[NAMM] Jet City Roberts RetroValve RRV

Jet City Amplification announced the new RRV series of Analog Tube Replacements designed by Roberts RetroValves.

RRV are analog replacements of vacuum tubes.



  • Pin-for-pin compatibility with 12AX7 tubes.
  • Low noise, and no microphonics.
  • Hot-swappable modification of preamp gain levels.
  • RRVs work alongside vacuum tubes, or replace vacuum tubes in any “cocktail” combination.


JCA offers a lifetime warranty against RRV failure.


Pricing & Availability

At launch, three variations on the 12AX7 format will be available, each with an estimated street price of $29.99:

  • Amber – a standard amount of gain, voiced to replace a preamp tube in most situations
  • Blue – a lower amount of gain, allowing for more headroom and cleaner tones
  • Red – higher gain, for a more aggressive sound


Visit www.jetcityamplification.com for more information.

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