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Pakupaku (lcl)
Published on 01/31/06 at 02:02
Best value:
Complete update of my opinion ...
I sold my fault BCR utility, and I bought one for work with live.
- How long have you use it?
about 15 days very intensively.
- What is so special that you like best?
small, compact, full of knobs, light, efficient.
- What is so special that you like the least?
no screen, but live it's secondary!
- Have you tried many other models before buying it?
yes, various keyboards and master controllers. some better, but also more expensive! No controller is suitable for use as well as I do live, for me it is the custom! I need a mute and three encoders per track for 8 tracks simultaneously accessible, so it is near perfection.
- How would you rate the quality / price?
dificil do better I think ... Roros 1500 at Thomann. it may well be plastic, building trust.
- With experience, you do again this choice?
yes yes yes!
This controller is just great for the price, it is the control surface democratized. It is regrettable that we should make a 180 ° with the encoder to go from 0 to 127, but if one has the courage to edit a preset with a hex editor can step the problem by adding an acceleration coefficient (see Forums BCR "have a field rotation pots drier," everything is explained in detail)
I sold my fault BCR utility, and I bought one for work with live.
- How long have you use it?
about 15 days very intensively.
- What is so special that you like best?
small, compact, full of knobs, light, efficient.
- What is so special that you like the least?
no screen, but live it's secondary!
- Have you tried many other models before buying it?
yes, various keyboards and master controllers. some better, but also more expensive! No controller is suitable for use as well as I do live, for me it is the custom! I need a mute and three encoders per track for 8 tracks simultaneously accessible, so it is near perfection.
- How would you rate the quality / price?
dificil do better I think ... Roros 1500 at Thomann. it may well be plastic, building trust.
- With experience, you do again this choice?
yes yes yes!
This controller is just great for the price, it is the control surface democratized. It is regrettable that we should make a 180 ° with the encoder to go from 0 to 127, but if one has the courage to edit a preset with a hex editor can step the problem by adding an acceleration coefficient (see Forums BCR "have a field rotation pots drier," everything is explained in detail)