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C-Thru Music Axis 49
Arcanum-XIII Arcanum-XIII
Published on 08/10/09 at 04:49
For how long have you been using it?

Received this morning after a long week of waiting - we must say they are manufactured in the U.S. unlike big brother built in England, so custom shop.
The build quality is not bad at all, it's plastic but good quality (like a padKONTROL example). It's very simple, but enough is enough.

What thing do you like most/least about it?

A faith that has a little accustomed to the organization hexagonal arrangements come alone and find a range is extremely easy - especially if one has the habit of thinking in patterns, like a guitar.
Velocity is surprising - in a good way, very effective despite the limited stroke of the keys.
Playing position is comfortable.

What is your opinion about the value for the price? Knowing what you know now, would you make the same choice? ...

I took the offer of C-Thru music, basically half price, which puts it roughly at the same level as a standard piano keyboard controller. At that price, it's an excellent deal. At $ 450, I do not know if I'm having the same choices could try it first - I think that's the kind of interface you like it or not. Especially since it only released in USB, no midi out, too bad.
I adore, but do you?