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Novation Nocturn
Novation Nocturn
thejammer thejammer

«  I highly recommend it! »

Published on 06/07/10 at 07:36
Value For Money : Excellent
I use it for a year now, but I use Automap since version 1 with remote zero, and then with the remote sl 37. The nocturne is my favorite among all. It is simple, too easy to use and fast to configure. I used to do in Ableton DJing, production in Logic Pro, and VJing in Modul8.

What I like most:
- Its size (you can put it on another keyboard easily, or next to our computer keyboard ...)
- Its ease of use, configuration.
- Integration with Automap Pro!
- A ridiculous price for the assistance he takes me on a daily ...

What I like least:
- The absence of some sensory Motörizer faders.
- The fact qu'Automap creates a copy of plugins in Logic Pro ..
- Nothing to blame on the controller itself ...

I can not do without it, the quality-price ratio is excellent, I would do this election at any time, and I recommend it to all my friends. :)