1,204 videos
Mutable Instruments Marbles
Mutable Instruments: Marbles Sampling, locking an…
Mutable Instruments: Marbles Overview
Ade-33 Event Boss - 30 Second Overview
Float Ii :: Plaits + Plonk + Rings (And A Few Oth…
Jamming with Plonk and Z8000
mutable instruments plaits+warps
Alak Polygonal Pattern Sequencer
Plaits and Rings by Chris Module
Winter Modular Eloquencer Lfo New Feature Preview…
Eloquencer Lfo Tracks Modulate Ajh Synth Mega-Pha…
Eloquencer By Winter Modular - Overall Review (En…
Eloquencer first patch based on probabilities (CV…
Eloquencer first patch/song
171010 eloquencer
Winter Modular Eloquencer, Alm Akemie's Taiko & E…
Eloquencer New 1.04 Features Update! Eurorack Mod…
Eloquencer Full Review. The Right Eurorack Modula…
Squarp Instruments Hermod + Winter Modular Eloque…
Alm Pamelas New Workout
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