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Auralex Room Analysis programs

Blue prints and photos can give an acoustician the information needed to create acoustical models of a given room, but there is no better way to gauge the acoustical problems a room faces than by obtaining acoustical measurements. As the industry leader in innovative sound control solutions, Auralex Acoustics can now lend its acoustical expertise to any project through its first-to-market, new Room Analysis Plus and Room Analysis Pro programs.

Room Analysis Plus is an off-site analysis service where dealers/integrators can download an audio file featuring a swept sine signal from 20 Hz to 20 kHz at the Auralex website. Users can then record the sweep with an omni-directional measurement microphone in the location of the room in question. All files can be sent via e-mail, along with the Personalized Room Analysis Form, directly to Auralex for examination by their acoustical engineering staff. Frequency response, impulse response, waterfall plots and reverberation time (RT) values can all be generated from this service without ever having an acoustician step foot in your room. A written report will be presented back to the user within three to five business days outlining the acoustical issues and how to solve them.

Room Analysis Pro is an on-site analysis of room acoustics and sound quality conducted by Auralex’s lead acoustical engineer, Gavin Haverstick. Haverstick will work directly with the dealer to coordinate the project details, create a quote based on job scope and site location, and schedule the actual on-site visit. Acoustical measurements will be taken and then analyzed in order to create an acoustical analysis report within five to seven business days of the on-site visit.

Room Analysis Plus costs $250 and covers the analysis of one measurement location in the room as well as a detailed acoustical report of the results. An additional measurement location can be conducted in the same room for a cost $100 per location. There is no limit to the amount of additional locations, within the same room, for $100 per location.

The cost of the Room Analysis Pro service is quoted on a per project basis. Most projects will fall into the range of $1,500–2,000 per day plus expenses. The per-day fee calculates how many days the engineer is physically away from the office for a particular project. Most projects will only involve one day of testing, while in some cases an additional day may be needed for long-distance travel.

For more information, visit their web site here.
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