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Faber SignalScope Pro 2.0 for iOS

Faber Acoustical has announced that SignalScope Pro now comes in a version for iPad users with native iPad support.

Native iPad support also includes the ability to present analyzer displays on an external screen with a compatible video output adapter. The original iPad supports external screen resolutions up to 720p and the iPad 2 supports resolutions as high as 1080p and even 1920×1200 with compatible hardware. Video output support is not supported on iPhone or iPod touch.


iPhone and iPod touch users also get new features in SignalScope Pro 2.0. In addition to saving analyzer plots to jpeg image files, users can now save plots in high-resolution PDF files. All data files can be retrieved through iTunes with iTunes file sharing, and certain files (including text data files and PDF files) can now be previewed within SignalScope Pro. Users will still have the option of downloading data files from their iOS device using a standard web browser.


Other new features in SignalScope Pro include color schemes and a full-screen mode for analyzers viewed in landscape orientation. SignalScope Pro now supports three color schemes, which include blue and white backgrounds, in addition to the traditional black. Users wishing to print their PDF plots will appreciate the option to save their PDFs with a white background for producing printed documents.


Pricing and Availability:

SignalScope Pro 2.0 for iOS costs $74.99.

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