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Agitated State Updates MenuMagic to v1.3

Agitated State has released version 1.3 of MenuMagic, its tool specially designed for Sonar, Project5 and other Cakewalk DAWs designed to allow you to organize your audio plug-ins.

Major changes in v1.3:
  • Added support for upcoming Window7. Supports Window7 installation of Sonar in either 32bit, 64bit or both.
  • Now supports Sonar Demo and Sonar Studio when installed on 64 bit OS.
  • Fixed bug with launching Sonar’s Plug-in Scanner with Vista x64.
  • Plug-in DupeFixer – fixed bug in dupe detection algorithm that incorrectly identified certain plug-ins as possible duplicates. This would effect VST plug-ins that used DirectXer or similar technologies or Waves plug-ins that use the Wave Shell technology.
  • Enhanced Synchronization between Plug-in Layers (i.e. Sonar, Project5, VST Adapter). Fixed bug where if your turned off plug-in synchronization and saved one or more sessions that some plug-ins wouldn’t re-sync (would stay in wrong category) when synchronization was turned back on.
  • Excluded plug-ins now show up with red font in Categorization tab and Name Fix tabs. Helps identify EXCLUDED plug-ins and prevents accidentally moving excluded plug-ins into other categories.
  • MenuMagic Status tab renamed to Plug-in Status tab. Naming is more accurate representation of function.
  • Plug-in Status tab (former named MenuMagic Status) fixed bug where items would stay in the Deleted Details list. With the new build the list is cleared after you click “Save Session” or Implement Menus for the VST Adapter or Project 5.
  • Name Fixes tab – fixed bug that could disable the Plug-in Layer Select buttons.
  • Fixed Synchronization issues of Excluded Plug-ins that occurred when plug-ins were excluded or un-excluded outside of MenuMagic (i.e. by using Cakewalk’s Plug-in Manager) – MenuMagic would show these plug-ins as still being Excluded until the next time you saved your MenuMagic session.
  • MenuCreation for Sonar versions 6 and higher – added hot tracking of cursor over items in plug-in layout menu tree, improves mouse navigation of plug-in menu layouts.
  • Plug-in Info Grid – modified plug-ins will now show with red font only after first session is saved. After first session is saved New plug-ins will now show with row# with blue (instead of black) colored font.
  • Fixed bug with VST Scan Folder handling where it would improperly warn you of an embedded path when the folders where identical except one folder name had additional letters in last path segment. For example if you had: D:\MyPlugins and D:\MyPluginsMorestuff it would identify the second path as contained in the first.
  • Enhanced Error Handling – fixed problem where if errors occurred while MenuMagic was loading some error messages could pop up under the splash screen and lock up program.
  • Fixed a number of minor small memory leaks.
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