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Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
Boss BD-2 Blues Driver
novo2010 novo2010

«  Very very convincing »

Published on 02/05/12 at 03:52
This is a Boss pedal, therefore, super sturdy, inside (e) and outside.
Important note for those who start with the pedals: attention to the power supply! The Boss PSA (30 €) does not buzz. This is not the case with most other ...
Advantage of the boss pedals: LONG walk with a 9V battery, provided we think to unplug the guitar cable after use!


Fairly obvious. For ideas of setting, see the video of the Boss site.


This is great for me. I use it with a Gibson Les Paul plugged into a tube amp Black Heart Little Giant. This is ... beautiful!
Even on fairly rotten amp transistors of rehearsal, we believe it. Nothing to do with the very poor quality of most of the overdrive channel ...
Obviously, this is an old school overdrive: metalheads, go your way!


I've had over a year. This was my first pedal. Before I used the overdrive channel of the amp (roland cube) is something else, anything else!
I highly recommend it.