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Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer
Ibanez TS9 Tube Screamer

Overdrive pedal from Ibanez belonging to the 9 series

iggy25 iggy25
Published on 12/05/06 at 04:38
Classic overdrive pedal
A little more than the switch named Q1 (quiet one) that avoids the "click" when you activate the pedal. A little disconcerting at first, you always wonder if the effect is well underway, but found.


Setting without difficulty.
The tone knob affects the high frequencies but also the media (really impressive!)
The level and overdrive knobs are progressive. No big peaks in saturation.
A pedal that has in the stomach and has the merit of being used as a simple boost.


On its side in the open swimming greenday, Gary Moore, SRV etc. ....
A good overdrive virile without being too thick or runny own very brief.
From blues to heavy rock through to modern pop, it fits perfectly. The sound palette is more than adequate for a single pedal, the more it works wonders in the coupling to the crunch of my vox.
For a more roots, the eldest of 808 seems more appropriate.
I play with a TV on a vox ac15cc1x. At the intake sustain this pedal has nothing to envy to that of my amp lamp. The behavior based attack, volume, etc ... is staggering. They are hidden when the lights ??????


A pedal mythical and timeless telling me the seller. For once, what is one trying not m'enfumer. After some say it's a sound that is found on half of the rock albums. Of course but it's so good.
I owned a Marshall blues breaker 2, ben 30 euros more for is not ch @ £ § I resold without regrets but then not even a hint of nostalgia.