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Ableton releases new Push version

Ableton has announced the immediate release of the new Push, and offers owners of the original Push a unique trade-in.

Like the original Push, the new version brings hands-on creation of melody and harmony, beats, and song structure. Now designed and engineered entirely by Ableton, Push has a new level of playability that puts even more elements of song creation at your fingertips. Here’s how:

Push’s crisp and colorful new display was designed in order to adapt to show what the user needs so as to keep him/her in the creative flow. Library navigation, sample waveforms, effects parameters, and mixer levels are instantly visible on the display and tweakable via the touch-sensitive encoders.

Push now has fast and flexible sampling workflows that let you slice samples across the pads and play back single hits and timestretched samples. Users create looping instruments on the fly, chop up drum kits from recordings, or play longer rhythmic samples back in tempo – all without taking their hands off.

Push’s new pads have been redesigned to be softer, smoother, and more responsive so as to feel just right for musicians of all kinds and enhance the playing experience for creating beats and melodies.

Ableton is also launching a unique trade-in initiative in which owners of the original Push can return their used unit and save up to 30% on the new one. Returned Push units will be refurbished and given to music education projects for young people – along with copies of Live – for free.

For those not tempted by this offer, no need to worry as Ableton is continuing to improve how Live works with the original Push, with the next (and free) Live 9.5 update bringing additional functionality to the original Push, including new features and workflow improvements.

Price is €699/$799. For more details, visit www.ableton.com.

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