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Novation Launchpad
Novation Launchpad

PAD Controller from Novation belonging to the Launchpad series

green_lesotho green_lesotho
Published on 09/28/12 at 14:21
I use the launchpad for a little over a year. This is the first of its kind controler I tested and I joined the first contact!
It is light, the use is simple and intuitive and the net is full of forums, videos and tips and tricks of all kinds to evolve rapidly.
Support on ableton is done automatically (I think), the navigation mode session on all tracks and clips is simply the reactivity is super nice and user mode I discovered (only now!) Is simply excellent!

What I like most is the intuitive side of the product and have everything at your fingertips!
What I like the least, or rather what I think it is less effective control and other volumes to me is not at all suitable (coarse and independent modes and user session, impossible to treat the same time as your live. Anyway nothing dramatic and it depends on the use of each)
So, finally I would do this again but probably purchase a lower price.