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Novation Launchpad
Novation Launchpad

PAD Controller from Novation belonging to the Launchpad series

troublegum troublegum
Published on 03/24/10 at 13:18
Fortunately it was a test version at the store, suddenly I have not bought.

basic modes are certainly well if used with live and in the manner prescribed. but then next customization is bogus. when one wants to do its own config we realize that it is highly limited.

The automap is ridiculous, very few options for customization of the controller. we can not even specify a MIDI channel for a key, or easily navigate between multiple presets / programs. impossible to regulate in detail the behavior of the pads. one funny thing: the ability to easily simulate the faders (AC can still be used).

then novation agreement provides for sysex codes can reprogram the launchpad thanks to apps like Max. but there is something else, touch the ball a minimum of programming.

wholesale in the end there is a gap at the target users. it is for programmers aspiring to be noobs who know nothing about noon or who merely use it as intended. but for users who like to tinker a little MIDI is a hell.

While individuals shall develop those apps to use the launchpad in different ways, but it is not enough for serious use (even if that level of stability).

and I thought he had found that the controller of my dreams. I'm going back on a block livid. double the price, monochrome, bulkier but totally flexible in terms of adjustment options, and more class in the end.