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Behringer Ultracurve Pro DEQ2496
Behringer Ultracurve Pro DEQ2496
bidule bidule
Published on 02/05/06 at 14:07
Regrettable that there is only XLR connectors, m'enfin ... The rest is pretty impressive.


As always, you have to field trials to understand the functions and operation of the BTE. Then, the manual will (or not) to assimilate and discovering the dtails, subtleties and surprises.


Then the tape I am! I have here a beast that has a lot to please me. Spectral analysis in real time, such a global signal (mix) but also and especially on any signal between treat! Includes a microphone signal with or without food fantme! Apart from the magnitude and heat lamps, this unit is not envy a pre-amp far more expensive. If I tell you that there is a bypass for more function ... The device offers, in addition to a compressor-limiter with input gain, threshold and ratio (1:1.1 to 1:100!) Providing a complete treatment of strophonie, playing on asymtrie the rotation and in particular, hyper useful for finalization. There is also
The EQ, which I use before attacking the mixer allows me to "chop" the sounds of any kind. There is available a 5-band legalization paramtrique ENTIRELY! The action focuses on frquences ranging from 20 hertz (...) 20 kHz, as desired. With the move with ease incremented two possibilities: from 1 / 6 octave or 1 / 60 octave increments. You can also Determines the bandwidth (from 1 / 10 ... 10 octaves) and the slope of 6db 12db in shelving. The gain ranges from-15dB + 15dB. There are low-cut filters and cut up, too paramtrables!
In addition, all custom settings, once known and can be mmorisables are reminders will. Last but not least, the meter menu allows you to view the signal line as peak / rms or (gnial) as two virtual analog VU meters .... etc..


I have the unit since 1 1 / 2 year but I "Discoveries" for 48 hours.
It is a rvlation. And I'm not the kind of rave. I have other devices of the type of treatment pro DDP DBX, DBX Quantum, etc.. But I am the MDUS!
I feel that many musicians spend the ct gold watch, because this device reclassified from performance unheard condition to bother dbusquer opportunities, countless . As I am a composer and arranger with catches mainly acoustic but mostly synthse (by doubling or even tripling two bass sounds for example) I'm trying to make me a sound-processing library. For my ease in my library I EHJV E-mu seems to be what sets the most powerful (a batsman does not come into the studio with 4 sets of battery DIFFERENT ...) to terms of drums, basses, guitars, etc ... and I treat them once and for all, with her by his ULTRACURVE give and I recall the treatment that I ds rutilise the same sound. Once the library is, just check your records.
The price of the device is drisoire compared to the possibilities. You could buy one!