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Topic patchbay
not sure what to get..i'm still in construction of my home studio.and i was going to run 1/4 inch instrument cables in the walls to a patch bay above my board.does this sound like a good idea...i was tired of the mess of cables....also i was going to ron 1/4 inch instrument cable and 2 mic cables in my vocal booth and then run those to the board..not sure exactly what to do..any help will be greatly appreciated...thank you Don

I am also a newbee and in the middle of building my new studio at home but I have been doing some research for more than a year before started; not because I'm so perfectly organized but due to the fact that I had to wait that long til I had the money. :oops:
Interesting for me was that I had the same idea regarding the cables, but learned from a studioowner that it would be better to mount a kind of cable-bed or box on the floor along / against the wall. Depending on amount and size of the cables I think 10h x5d (inches) could do the job while you would still be able to reach all of the cables just by opening the the top of the box if one of the cables needs to be replaced. I actually don't know how to explain it in clear words but I hope your imagination will hejp you to understand what I mean. :clin:
Good luck.
