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E.Band Anda.008
E.Band Anda.008

PCI/ISA + Rack Soundcard from E.Band

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Published on 02/09/04 at 23:26
All specifications here: http://www.audiotrak.de/eng/inca88.html

This card is an OEM inca88 c is to say that it comes with a computer ypically dedicate to music. But it is exactly the same as I did the same with the REU and not the orange box is gray in the picture. Having said that c is the same case as that lol is that changes color hehe.

Unfortunately it no longer produced but is still found on some site. I put 9 pke c is my first Digital audio card, I pass the SB Platinum 5.1 is the Anda and believe me c is another universe. I've chosen the one pke it was really cheap (~ 155) and especially for the case with these 8 inputs and 8 outputs.

I used as the main card in my home studio, it is c that manages all my j's have 3 ms latency j have not had any problems until now, I turn on XP, Asus A7V333 motherboard, AMD 2400 +, 512MB ddr, 130go hard, I have also left my SB live card that I use multimedia.

The case 8 ins 8 outs is very convenient c is really the foot and ca can do a lot of config with a good mixer, and c is super convenient I do not see how I could do without now, it allows me to record several instruments at the same time and be able to stick them on the slopes indepentantes frankly c is the best!!


I put 10 for the installation, pke J had no problem, I m waiting for a sukkah have some but not at all, I have put the card and the card twelve o'clock, I have lit the ordinary j I install the drivers I reboot nikel and everything works !!!!!
The drivers that I have to install the drivers are between Inca88 biensur.
No hardware conflict, the two sound cards "cohabits" perfectly together, and with no adjustable difficulty.
C is very easy to configure Anda, the otion routing is very convenient. C is a really cool map m it brings everything I needed and the quality of sound is to go. I use the for my home studio, c is an ideal card for his music and especially this tranquillou please, c is not a card that starz lives in Los Angeles, but c is a map that provides serious to do all these plans, and finally I personally see no qutre what a card that costs a minimum until 5 times as much m could bring more serious I really do not see ....


A week already and did not crash once, so stability is 100% with my config. For the update is c rap since it produces more, but hey it works nikel so there's no need to update.
I used with the SX 2, c is perfect in every way, I use a lot of virtual instruments quite heavy in addition to guitar and vocal recordings, and I have no no problem to record and play simultanment.


The pros: The 8 inputs and 8 outputs, 2 in and 2 out noon, the sound quality, very low latency.
the - I see absolutely no defects.

D have not tried another model card, but this one gives m j everything I need so I'm not about to change. I did pay the 155, c is one of the best business and investment in music that I have, c is the hardware so it's very very hard so long as no sukkah.
If c had to be rebuilt frankly I would say yes, but it is more lol. C D elsewhere is for this that I did not take a eSite, 155, and cost $ 500 in 2002, and the quality of sound is superb quality CD!!
This card is ideal for me. c is really a blast!!