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E-MU 1616M
goklixy goklixy
Published on 10/04/06 at 07:22
I sought a card for laptop that gives me both latency and comfort other than that I usb1 a bad exprience, the pramps convertos correct and well made. Hsitant a moment to spend more upscale type RME or MOTU, I quickly looked at the 1616m dcisifs who had these benefits for me: PCMCIA connection, pramplis cool (with little more than softclipping for instrumentals), convertos rputs well.
The purpose of silent record vocals, guitars, bass ...
Config: HP laptop athlon 3000 + / 768MB RAM / HD External FW400 / Cubase SX


Forums around me a little nervous but no concern for me


This is my 3rd card (APRS an EDIROL UA-5 and an X-Station) and THE FIRST Entire give me satisfaction, stable up to 10ms with lots of tracks, 5ms limiting .


Bought 8 months ago and I am trs trs happy with my choice. I finally have a card that fits all my needs and am satisfied with the sound! The classes are really convertos pramp and brings into focus the beats.
Ct ngatifs points I have nothing to say but I n'utilsie not all features .. the PatchMix is ​​certainly a little complicated but it is capturing powerful enough once you get the matrise, at least for what I want to do is top dj. DSP effects are apparently means but I do not use them ..

Whereas the use of the blow that I have and the price I agreed to, it's a great rapp Q / P