299 videos
Waves Tune Real-Time – Plugin Tutorial And Demo W…
Introducing Waves Tune Real-Time – Instant Pitch …
Chris Roberts Talks About How Synchro Arts Softwa…
Producers Laconic Talk About Revoice Pro
History of the Eventide H910 Harmonizer
Eventide Precision Time Align plugin
Eventide Precision Time Align plugin
Pitchometry Basics - Aegean Music Audio Effects P…
Pitchometry Pitch Effects Preview From Aegean Mus…
What's New in Revoice Pro 3.2
Red Shift by B.Serrano
Redshift By B.serrano
Melda Munison - Space Choir Phonem Voices
Melda Production - Munison 1St Encounter - Vocal …
Melodyne 4 : la conclusion
Melodyne 4 - Test
Eventide Octavox Demo With New Midi Control Featu…
Eventide Octavox Harmonizer® Plug-In Overview
[Namm] Melodyne 4
New in Melodyne 4: Tempo shaping
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