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AudioFront Updates DSP Trigger

AudioFront has updated DSP Trigger to version

New features:

  • This version includes a new auto-routing feature so that it’s no longer necessary to set-up multiple MIDI tracks when using multiple instances of DSP Trigger. All the MIDI is routed to the instance whose 'MASTER’ LED is lit.
  • Added an advanced control to the rimshot display area. Right-click to access it.
  • New control called 'SteadyShot’ which aims to use heuristics to improve positional sensing during rolls. Right-click on the display area of the positional BIAS to reveal the new control.
  • New pad type for Roland Mesh Pads designed to improve positional sensing.


Bug fixes:

  • Fixed a bug that prevented soft hits from registering until you hit the pad pretty hard.
  • Fixed an issue in the MAC version that prevented loading the 'save as default’ settings.
  • Fixed an issue with new instances sometimes stealing the 'master’ status.
  • More sensible calibration defaults for 'Microphone’ mode.
  • Fixed an issue with Microphone mode and crosstalk cancellation.
  • Fixed an issue with calibrating the scan time.
  • The transient profile of hits that are canceled by the crosstalk cancellation are no longer displayed.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to load the manual (PC Version).


Pricing & Availability:

DSP Trigger for Windows (VST) is available for $39 USD.


For more information, check out AudioFront and DSP Trigger.

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