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Thread Help choosing a sequencer..

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Topic Help choosing a sequencer..

Hi guys musicmad here,
i'm trying to choose a sequencer for recording pro-audio for commercial sale sonar/cubase etc, but in fact i'm a solo musician working with one instrument (yamaha P120 digital piano) and my aim is only to record a solo piano album either with the sound from my P120 or with a pro audio VST grand piano plug in (galaxy 2 steinway 5.1 or Ivory grand pianos) etc. So is it absolutely necessary for me to take on a full blown sequencer which i know would take me months to understand, or is there a simpler way for me to get around this??. In the future i would like to experiment with orchestral libraries etc, to expand the scope, but for know i only wish to work on solo piano albums for commecial sale. what road should i take here, or is the sequencer a must??
