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Thread setting up 1st music studio

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Topic setting up 1st music studio
hi it's marcuss here i want to set up my 1st home recording studio to make punk, rock n roll and rap tunes but i'm not sure what to buy i've got money to spend been saving up for a while and i want everthing i could possibly need so i can buy it all in one lump. Is there anyone who could tell me all the BEST things that i need to buy, would be much appreciated eg keyboard,booth, packages, wires,cards and software(already have a computer). THANKS
Can you tell us what your computer's stats are? This will determine which software packages to buy. You don't want one of those high priced lumbering giants of your computer lacks resources. There are - however - several shareware packages that are - in my opinion at least as good if not better - then those high priced apps and they don't soak up the resources.