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Thread alesis io/2 problem with cubase le

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Sujet de la discussion alesis io/2 problem with cubase le
hi i need some help here. my X-Fi Xtreme card won't allow the full duplex driver with my alesis io/2 usb interface. i'm trying to set up my keyboard into the mic/line in 1 on the face of the alesis io/2 with the SM57 in the mic XLR but it won't work. also my drum machine is going into the mic/line in 2 also on the face. the alesis driver in cubase doesn't seem to work. nothing seems to work. i put out a lot of money here and i'm hoping i didn't waste it. also where can i get a full duplex driver or why won't the x-fi recognize it?

Asio only recognizes one audio device at a time; you cannot have both the X-Fi and the Alesis active in Cubase using asio drivers, it's either one or the other. Some asio drivers will allow you to drive 2 or more cards of the SAME type, such as having 2 M-Audio 1010's in one computer. I never use the DirectX or Multimedia drivers in Cubase because of sync and latency issues.
thanks kit i'll try this and see what happens but the x-fi xtreme music is the soundcard the alesis io/2 is the usb interface does it still matter? how can the soundcard recognize the external hardware device? also i'm not quite sure how to disable the asio device of the x-fi soundcard.


The Alesis I/O2 is a usb audio and midi interface. That's where your problem lies with asio. You have 2 disparate audio systems in the XFi and the Alesis, and you can only choose one as your audio interface. You can, however, have the XFi as the audio interface and the Alesis as the midi interface since asio is only concerned with audio. It's either the XFi asio or the Alesis asio - you select that in Cubase's Device Setup.

You can use both audio devices by using the Multimedia or DirectX drivers, but I don't recommend that because the timing on the 2 audio devices will slowly drift apart due of differences in their clocks. There are also latency issues when using the multimedia and directx drivers.