TopicPosted on 05/31/2006 at 08:04:46reason 3 & "cut itslef" feature?
Whats going on studio @ home. i'm new to this site, altho not really a newbie to music production. My questoin is: i've been using reason for a while now and im very comfortable with most aspects of it. however when i'm using redrum i'm unable to figure out how to get the "sample" or sound i'm using to "cut itself". what i mean by this is in FLStudio when you load up a kit or a sound you can right click on it and use "cut itlsef" and the sample will stop and start over whenever you press the same sound on your midi controller. however in reason if you do this (press the pad agian) it just repeats and overlaps itslef. and is very anoying. I've looked and searched every fourm that i can find. will no solutions. anyone have this same issue? or know how to fix it? any feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!!