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Help Needed with Cool Edit Pro

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Topic Help Needed with Cool Edit Pro
Hi everyone,

I have a quick question about Cool Edit Pro I was hoping I could get some help with.

I am trying to use Cool Edit to record the streaming archives of a radio station onto my computer.

I know this is possible but one little thing is holding me up.

I know I have to run the ouput from the stereo out or headphone out back
into the stereo in, so I use a 1/8" cable. I plug it in, press record on Cool Edit and start streaming the radio show I want, but when I play it back it has A HUGE AMOUNT of static…it sounds awful.

I have tried reversing the cord plug-ins as well as many different sample rates, but nothing seems to work.

One more thing, it sounds fine when I simply stream the radio and listen to the music, it is only when I try to record it onto Cool Edit that I have these problems.

I am very frustrated about this. Is it a simple Cool Edit setting that I have wrong? Any help would be much appreciated!

Thank you very much.

no cable required.

just select as recording source your stereo output, your recording will come out fine with no static.