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Reason 2.5 and audio linking

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Topic Reason 2.5 and audio linking
I'm considering buying Reason 2.5, as I have Reason Adapted, and love its style, and have heard brilliant things about Reason. However, I wondered if anyone here could help with something...
I know that Reason "can't record audio" itself, but I presume there must be ways to add audio tracks to Reason tracks without just recording them and them loading them as samples in the NN-XT? If so, how would I go about it? I have access to a few other programs too so if they're needed feel free to mention them...and please be gentle, I'm pretty new to home recording so I know no jargon and I need exlpanations...sorry! I've seen Re-Wire mentioned, but I barely know what it is and I have no idea how it works. Does it somehow link Reason to other programs such as Cubase? This sounded promising, although I wouldn't know what to do once the two programs were "Re-Wired"!
Again, sorry for my stupidity, but any help would be much appreciated!
Thanks a lot,
Hey Fred...
In Reason, there is no known (to me anyway) way to "use" elsewhere recorded audio other than loading in the samplers. You also can't ADD audio tracks. What you CAN do is this:

- Get Cubase and hook Reason up (by Rewire).
- Use Cubase to record and handle audio.
- Import Reason's audio tracks to Cubase and be happy with the result :)

The two applications will playback simultaneously and preety much work as one.

Now, (From the Propellerheads web site - www.propellerheads.se)
"ReWire is a system for transferring audio data between two computer applications, in real time. Basically, you could view ReWire as an "invisible cable" that streams audio from one computer program into another."

The interconnection between Cubase and Reason is very very easy and won't trouble you one bit! You can find details on how to connect using Rewire at propellerheads.se.

Instead of Cubase you can use any other Rewire compatible sequencer program (like Sonar for instance). Choose what you like AND TRY BEFORE YOU BUY!

I hope that helped...
hey i have cubase and i can't figure out how to play it all back when i hook reason up to it. any suggestions?
Go to the props site:


Click on Technologies ReWire

Scroll down to:

For a more detailed walkthrough, click here!

click on:

ReWire Help pages.

There will be detailed instructions for each application that supports ReWire.

There are separate instructions for Cubase SX and Cubase VST.