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Spectrum Analysis

  • 1 comment
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Topic Spectrum Analysis
Does anybody know of a Spectrum Analysis plugin that will work on cakewalk? I have a PAS program but I would rather use a plugin so that I dont have go through all my wave data to find the file in the track that I want to work on.
Thanks :)
I use Cubase, so the plugs I can suggest are VST's. If you have the Cakewalk VST adapter here are two good freebies:
QSpectrum 128 band Spec Analyzer(http://www.concretefx.com/QSpectrum.zip)
My FAVORITE - Inspector (lots)-band Spec Analyzer, Adjustable Peak & RMS Metering, and Clip-event Counter (http://www.elementalaudio.com/products/inspector/index.html)

Both are free and useful. Hope this helps...