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Thread Cubase: Multi Track Recording (HELP!)

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Topic Cubase: Multi Track Recording (HELP!)
Hello all!
I am running Cubase version 1.x on my OSX laptop! My question for everyone is: How in the heck do I record multiple tracks at the same time?! I have gotten 2 mono tracks to record at the same time but I believe my Tascam US-428 can record up to 4 tracks at a time.
My main concern really is recording drums in a mix, or recording a live mix where many inputs are needed. How do people do this?! I mean, besides spending over say $300 or using "fake drums" in their mixes.
I have tried mixing my drums before I put them into my computer but there seems like there should be an easier/better way.
And what is the whole MIDI thing about? Why is this so dang popular?! All MIDI is are fake instruments right? Or is MIDI a way to get all those lines into your computer? If you'd ask me it seems like people make a HUGE deal out of this MIDI stuff for just being fake intruments, though there are guitar players who like to lay down there guitar tracks and play along with some MIDI tracks, is that all it is?
Please help me!