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Thread Questions on REASON 2.5

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Topic Questions on REASON 2.5
i just recently got a copy of reason from a friend of mine.. all works well but id like to know how to record a dang song...lol like, start the recording and play around with levels... etc.. and then export to mp3 (if possible) anyone know some sugestions..ive been doing shows live and well.. id like to create a CD perhaps.. :D thanks

:rolleyes: ?Confused? :shock:
I'd start be reading the manual. It can be a little unclear sometimes so here's another option. Cool School Interactive has a great training DVD for like 30 bucks which goes over every aspect of the program in a setting that you can see and hear. I liked it. Most importantly, don't steal software. It's not that expensive, just buy it. Hey, then you get to use their tech support.
okay thanks for your suport

I'm just getting started with Reason v2.5 too. I've found it really useful just working through the Getting Started pdf that gets installed.

There's also some good info at http://www.reasonstation.net/tutorials/ especially the "The Beginner's Reasoner - Part I" link.

Hope this helps,

Dave Mac