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Yamaha Pocketrack C24
Yamaha Pocketrack C24
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Cortoni Cortoni

«  Companion »

Published on 06/27/11 at 13:27
I use it for 3 months (€ 180 to buy Star's Music), I keep constantly on me to record all the sounds I like.

Urban environments to more natural environments, the quality of the device surprised me more than once, the sensitivity adjustment is done easily and quickly we forget the "auto level". The low-cut filter, even if not always useful, effectively removes unwanted noise due to wind for example.

I use it mainly to insert a track background in some pieces to create a special atmosphere ... station, evening demonstration, everything goes and merges with the music naturally.
Sometimes I triturated some ambient sounds into the FX and even melodies, interesting sounds are quite easy to isolate post-treatment (even with plugins restoration free).
Another interesting use is to create pseudo-impulse response in the hands and clicked his recording everything. This is not the only hope for a natural sound of this method (not super strong), but by inserting the sample obtained in a convolution reverb plugin, the results are rather unexpected and can-so-dosed pretty cool song.

To save / repeat concerts, it was a really nice quality to go, it's clean and there are much everything you need (even if I disable the often low-cut filter which is too high in my typing taste)
Then the practical side: USB stick, rechargeable battery via USB, memory card slot (not used yet but it will not be long with the holidays approaching!).

To summarize
The +: Sound quality, battery life (energy and connectors), light weight, price / quality ratio
The -: low-cut filter some "violent", "auto level" not usable in my case

In conclusion with imagination can do many things without feeling limited by the device, I highly recommend it to hackers who like to work carefully the mood of their songs but are reluctant to jump straight into the top -end.