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Zoom H1
Zoom H1

Pocket Recorder/Multitrack from Zoom belonging to the H series

jean-jacques.zwald@wanadoo.fr jean-jacques.zwald@wanadoo.fr

«  necessary to repeat »

Published on 05/14/11 at 05:44
I use it for about a year
- In rehearsal: I record all the repeats and I replay the pieces to find what to improve, what to keep creations, etc. ..
- In concert with the H1 records made incredible! I made a model with it just by reworking the tracks with Samplitude, whereas before I galérais with microphones or a subculture of the table that never gave the "true sound".

One trick to save: the place to 2m in height from the ground and not too far from the scene if you do not see all the instruments on the sound system.

I like the least: take a sample to another is a little galley and forward / rewind are a bit slow. To re-listen, I prefer to copy the mp3 or wav file on my computer and use software or just media player.

value for money: Unbeatable in my opinion.