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Thread Hollywood music production school ??

  • 2 replies
  • 3 participants
Topic Hollywood music production school ??
Is it true that Hollywood music production schools are very helpful to get an exciting career in Hollywood Music industry ??

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Is it true that Hollywood music production schools are very helpful to get an exciting career in Hollywood Music industry ??

I haven't done such a program myself, but schools like the Los Angeles Recording School are quite popular for aspiring engineers to help them get started on the craft...Personally, I think the best thing you can do is just to go out there and do it - meaning get yourself some recording gear and start learning...Internships are also a great way to learn...
I second that.  Music production schools can offer a very structured way to get into the business but cost a fortune in a trades that is very hard to make money in.

Some of the best producers were just self taught- got themselves some gear and software and played around with things, maybe got some books, hung out on forums.  This strategy requires though that you are a self starter and self-motivated.  You can then try to get an internship at a studio or offer to record some local bands for free for practice...