TopicPosted on 09/19/2014 at 00:49:13Anyone use/own a PRS amp? What do you think?
It's been a little while since PRS came out with amps. I absolutely love their guitars, but dont know if the worksmanship carries over to amplifilcation. Has anyone actually tested/gigged with one? What's the build quality? Tone? Comparable amps?
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Member 10 years ago
2Posted on 09/19/2014 at 07:42:39
I used to be a diehard PRS fan. I've tested out the PRS SE amps as well as the Dallas, but honestly there's MUCH better amps out there for the money. It's a shame, I wish PRS stuck to electric guitars, but honestly since expanding their product line I feel like even their guitars have started deteriorating in quality