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Stanton Magnetics C.501

All user reviews for the Stanton Magnetics C.501

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  • florent881florent881

    Stanton Magnetics C.501Published on 09/08/06 at 14:17
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - How long have you use it?

    I use it now for around 6 months

    - What is so special that you like best?

    For most of the platinum cd without a doubt is the confidence that we can bring him in full evening because even with cd's in bad shape, burn, etc ... I never had any problems!
    What is so special that you like the least?

    Perhaps its simplicity because I am that it contains a plate which is of course not the high end but simply a small loop would really welcome! lol (Of course perfect!)
    - How would you rate the quality / price?
    Just great!
    - With experience, you do again this choice? ...

    Without hesitation for use in mobile disco as I do not mean it and perfect but it…
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    - How long have you use it?

    I use it now for around 6 months

    - What is so special that you like best?

    For most of the platinum cd without a doubt is the confidence that we can bring him in full evening because even with cd's in bad shape, burn, etc ... I never had any problems!
    What is so special that you like the least?

    Perhaps its simplicity because I am that it contains a plate which is of course not the high end but simply a small loop would really welcome! lol (Of course perfect!)
    - How would you rate the quality / price?
    Just great!
    - With experience, you do again this choice? ...

    Without hesitation for use in mobile disco as I do not mean it and perfect but it is really nice ...
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