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New AFfiliate
Member 14 years ago
2Posted on 08/18/2010 at 17:09:24
Better than nothing for sure, but I think they rushed on this software. There's a lot of simple things that would make it far more useful.. see below:
- have a choice for where data for Library is stored, such as a flash drive rather than the computers hard drive. I have a lot of samples and the library can't fit on my hard drive and there is no way to choose my external hard drive
- allow for a setting to be global as well as single. The defalt for JamManager is to assign SINGLE play rather than LOOP. Since I mostly use samples set to LOOP I wouldn't have to change each individually. Also would be nice for STOP/FADE/END
- allow more than 1 undo
-be able to import multiple wav files from folder & subfolders at once
-make it not so easy to delete. example: with renaming a file.. instead of the delete button deleting the letter it deletes the file.
- in addition to name, sync date, rating, description etc.. have length and stereo or mono listing
-- Be able to PRINT the Jam lists. Very useful.
-- A better tool to adjust volume levels on samples
-- have a help menu that doesn't have to use the internet
--show how much memory used in created jamlists & how much available in the internal & SD card memory