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Roland S-330

All user reviews for the Roland S-330

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  • Anonymous

    Roland S-330Published on 05/08/05 at 02:28
    (This content has been automatically translated from French)
    - 8 voice polyphony.
    - 8 multitimbral.
    - 8 output cinch.
    - Composite video output to connect to a tl or a TV card or a computer screen spcial (I had with).
    - Msx-type mice.
    - Trio noon.
    - 512 kb of memory lphantesque ...


    C'tait my first sampler and provided it is a cut and the mouse is a real pleasure to use.
    It's really not rocket science and goes fast.
    Without the notch and against the mouse must be trs trs motiv.

    The edition is classic features synthse, playback of samples etc ... no effect.
    The manual is not too bad but I went for a long time.


    It's not the kind of sampler that achte for its transparency, quite the contrary ..…
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    - 8 voice polyphony.
    - 8 multitimbral.
    - 8 output cinch.
    - Composite video output to connect to a tl or a TV card or a computer screen spcial (I had with).
    - Msx-type mice.
    - Trio noon.
    - 512 kb of memory lphantesque ...


    C'tait my first sampler and provided it is a cut and the mouse is a real pleasure to use.
    It's really not rocket science and goes fast.
    Without the notch and against the mouse must be trs trs motiv.

    The edition is classic features synthse, playback of samples etc ... no effect.
    The manual is not too bad but I went for a long time.


    It's not the kind of sampler that achte for its transparency, quite the contrary ...

    Whatever you come home in a resort Gross, slap .... well at least for the rhythmic (my main use of this sampler), a good crunch on 12 bit there's no: love:: love:

    The filter kills for numrique, really love.


    I use it for a year or so, it's an old machine without memory ok, but it is endearing because of his trs special edition and its very easy.

    I certainly would do the same range of choice in this sampler and prices as there are no masses chantilloneurs combo with 12-bit screen / mouse.

    I have not used for months my screen and my tv with CHL and I miss him, sniff!
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