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Detunized.com is online

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Topic Detunized.com is online
The pre-release phase of the www.detunized.com site has begun.

DETUNIZED.COM offers extensions for Ableton Live, Propellerhead Reason,
FL Studio and their respective devices - Simpler, NN-XT, Directwave.

Sample-based libraries will contain patches and sounds that cover an extensive variety of ready-to-use, but fully customizable presets, ranging from discreet timbres up to droones and soundscapes of detailed complexity.
Releases will be purchasable via Paypal-Subscription or Paypal-Instant-Buy based on a monthly release cadence.

Until the final starting date - 1st of April 2009 – the public is kindly invited to download the freebie „dtn000 - Grandpa´s Piano“ and to subscribe to newsletter.