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Yamaha Tenori-on TNR-W
Yamaha Tenori-on TNR-W
Published on 01/21/09 at 03:29
For me, the Tenori-On is essentially a "sequencer" intuitive and revolutionary in its design.

The way it captures the composition of a piece affects the music itself: it is surprising to compose things you never made an instrument of "standard" (keyboard, guitar) .


Sure, it&#39;s pretty confusing at first!

But I find that its use is something poetic and paradoxically, very concrete: it enables and disables functions with combinations of keys and LEDs.
When you switch to another synthesizer synth, you will find, despite the differences in the construction of the synth.
There is new. It&#39;s a cross between a synthesizer and an abacus. And as I say in the specifications: the design of the Tenori brings a fresh approach to music.


That&#39;s why for me it&#39;s more than a sequencer synth: the factory sounds are very / too simple and sound, for some, like the old PC sound cards.
While it is clear, one likes or dislikes this style of sound. I think they are correct, but I find that there are not enough and I think also they are a bit soulless, signature sound.
These are sound "go anywhere", but a little too "go anywhere" for my taste. It&#39;s lack of energy, big fat bass, tablecloths, drums kits.

Do not misunderstand: this sounds "cheap" and not sound "lo-fi". The difference is huge: if the sounds were "lo-fi", they would have more presence, more fishing and would have given more character to the Tenori. Here the sounds are smooth, too smooth. Remember your sound card "soundblaster" south of your first pc!


- How long have you use it?
I just got it: I played with for about 4 hours. The problem is that time passes very quickly with him!

- What is so special that you like most and least?

- The musical approach
- Sequencer / instrument poetic playing with sounds, shapes, light
- The potential level sequencer: like the magnificent Triton, one can easily "looper," a tune of 16 times, another (on another layer) time of 5, yet another time of 2 ...
- Modes of play: bounce, random, draw, solo, score, push
- The method "ADVANCE" that overcomes the game modes set by the manufacturer: via this mode, you can choose the game mode for each layer. Feel free to have only modes "random" on all 16 layers. Or why not "bounce 10 and 6 score." To enable this mode: camera off, press L1 and L5, turn on the Tenori. Voila! Then choose your preferred mode for each layer in "Layer menu."
- I&#39;m not materialistic, but I think it&#39;s still a beautiful object. As a professional designer, I find that aesthetics is very interesting. It could have been designed by Starck and Ora-Ito!
- It can be played on the train or on the street, with the ability to put the batteries (there are 6). I encourage users of Tenori-to-use rechargeable batteries (this is my green side who has just spoken ^ ^).
- Like the Wii, it appeals to girls
- Like the Wii, it appeals to young children. It is an expensive "educational table to learn music")
- When handling functions too quickly during the game can be heard as a slow or a slight start. It&#39;s a shame. Live, it&#39;s scary!
- The slow transfer of samples. Far too slow, I do not understand why.
- One can, for certain functions, without the menu because you can enable these features through combinations of LEDs. But at that time, you must have a clear mind: it is sometimes a bit lost among all these balls of light moving!
- No backup or load &#39;packet&#39; (well, it does not seem to have read the manual). I mean does the automatically save all of what was on the screen (layers, blocks, samples) in a single file. It would be so cool! For this, we must load their music and remember which samples were loaded at the time for this component.
- Only three sites &#39;users&#39; for samples! It is very light: a kit drums, bass and a sample of CS-80 and now, after one has just sounds "cheap" the Tenori.
- Non-standard midi output: if you lose or destroy the cable that came with the tenor, it is wrong! (Well, it must be on the net)
- At this price, why not provide the Plexiglas stand?
- We know the power of LED: why not put at least 3-4 different colors of LED? To find one, it would have been the foot. Perhaps the Tenori II
- Effects: General routing. You select the reverb or chorus, you set the value of this effect and bam, all tracks will be embedded in this. Impossible to manage the effects "layers by layers." Drive.
- Have you tried many other models before buying it?
The Tenori is unique.

- Many people talk about the Monome, as what is better, worse, etc ... compare what is comparable: the Monome is an instrument, a control surface! The tenor, it is a sound generator, a sample player and it even has a little amplification. "Autonomous" against "Monome")

- How would you rate the quality / price?
It is not given, it is clear. It&#39;s almost correct for a sequencer that helps to compose music in new ways. It&#39;s expensive for a sound generator type "Soundblaster / midi sound card"
- But the production is very good.

- With experience, you do again this choice? ...
I have only been four days and I played about 4 hours (return to job!) Then it&#39;s a bit quick to give my opinion. I think "YES" because how I feel, already, it will bring a breath of fresh air in parts of my compositions. Including the possibilities of music "random" and the creation of organic rhythms.