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Epiphone G-400
Epiphone G-400

SG-Shaped Guitar from Epiphone belonging to the SG series

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alex62d alex62d
Published on 08/28/08 at 17:52
Adj silent while his written several times ...


- The handle is trs enjoyable, it is neither too thin nor too pais ...
- Access in acute is very easy (I started playing the guitar since today)
- The guitar pitches down, but I get used (weight issue is correct, I traveled with the guitar in a cardboard Ibanez store home [40 minutes] and I is nothing (almost) felt heavy)
- With the amp on what I play at the store, it gets a good sound easily with my Marshall rotten that I will not keep it hard ... trs


- This guitar suits my style of music (rock, hard rock, metal)
- I play with a Marshall, I'm not going to keep


- I use this guitar since he was around 15 hours
- I type SG, what I like least ... I know yet
- C'tait love at first sight, I had already taken a number of conaissance scratch, I took this one in hand and hop ^ ^