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Gibson SG Special Faded
Gibson SG Special Faded

SG-Shaped Guitar from Gibson belonging to the SG series

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«  A real SG »

Published on 12/04/13 at 07:44
Everything has already been said but I think little reminder:
-Body And mahogany neck (the SGJ have the maple neck)
-key Rosewood (from summer 2011 Gibson would have happened to the maple roasted for reasons of legality in its purchases of wood)
-micros 490 '(these are alnico II, they equip the BB King Lucille among others ...)
-L'électronique Is a plate on which the microphones are clipped ... (it looks neat and clean)
The finish is very fine polish and breathable wood, personally I love this side "roots", it fits perfectly with the blues-rock spirit ...
I bought the guitar used, mini stripes give it a nice vintage look ...


The neck is amazing, I had not played in a long time SG, I like ST Models I almost exclusively played for several years, then taking the ILI is surprised by the easy access to acute. ..if I put my hands on the handle I get the 8th box where a strat 'hand would be at the 5th fret ... the handle seems longer ...
The profile is more rounded than the Start ', another nice feeling but ... (I have to say that I began to prefer the feel of the handle of the SG to that of a Strat')
I quickly got used to the heat.
The guitar seems firm and serious built (it is !!!)
The mechanical tuning hold well, no complaints on that !!! (I do not see the need to change mechanical for more upscale ...)


For a long time I thought that was the Stratocaster guitar that suited me most, I wanted to try a new Gibson (I had a std SG that did not make me more effect than the SG faded it was over ... only better), and there I really fell in love with this guitar!
I recently bought a Vox AC15C1 and I thought that the combination with a Gibson SG would be perfect for the blues ... and yes it is !!!
Some do not like the microphones 490 'but personally I find really great for blues-rock, the output level is not huge (7,94k the handle and 8,21k bridge) but they sound really "vintage" and articulated, not smothered with a level really came out higher than on a strat standard usa.
It's hard to describe the sound of a guitar, it is best to try and listen on youtube demonstrations (some are really well done)
What I can say is that I love the sound it out, really in the spirit Gibson for blues-rock ... and with an AC15 is the whole spirit of the old blues rock that found!


So I have this guitar recently and for the price it costs used is really surprising to have a guitar so well constructed, ok no finish with thick varnish, but again I will say that this is exactly what I like about this guitar ... although we feel the wood and I prefer this rather than feel the veneer of an std ... (matter of taste ... but are std beautiful instruments, but that can not bear the marks aesthetically ... I prefer the aesthetics of a faded with small SOFC, scratch rather than std with CSWS and scratches on the varnish ... the faded be a vintage look and std be a jaded look ... so for me the best ages faded on this principle ...).
New SGJ seem to have a thinner body (shame! The SG is already a fine original guitar ...), they also have a maple neck, a Gibson SG for me it is rather a mahogany neck even if they have already used Maple for the sleeves in the past ... So I think the faded is more consistent with what can be expected of a SG ... but SGJ ring may very well too, so far I would choose again faded rather than SGJ ... (even if only because of the thickness of the body, we like to buy a SG that is the size of a SG, looking at the pictures the SGJ on thomann the horns of the guitar seems very, too thin because of the thinner body).
The faded is a real Gibson SG with a finish "roots" ... you will understand I love this guitar!
So I noted that guitar up because of its value and the sound (without looking at the price!).
This is the kind of guitar with which we want to make a long long way ... and with the years and patina, experience ... it will have an even nicer look more vintage ... !! !dropoff window