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Harley Benton S-200
Harley Benton S-200

SG-Shaped Guitar from Harley Benton

jopop jopop


Published on 09/04/13 at 19:43
Made in China by a factory that should make for many brands.
In a perfect manufacturing, manufacturing in 2013 have nothing to do with what they were doing juqqu'en 2010 The ordis machines tools are better resolved.
It appears guitars that deserve our attention.Bien on, if we take the cheapest chères.çà less will not do. But if, for example, you want a VERY GOOD copy Les Paul, take the Harley Benton L450 More Vintage (145 €), believe me, it's going to do, and for those who want a little more, just change the pickups, good strings, again a little electronics (less than 200 € free) and you end up with a guitar that stands up to tools over € 2000, will not have the same logo on the head .... here is very expensive logo. For SG, ditto, choose laHarley Benton S 580 WR, the upgradder and you'll have a far better tool than one ... Ep 400. We approach may be better in the original. Pout the STRATO, choose the Harley Benton ST 62, there is nothing to change, very well finished, equipped with microphones Wilkison, it sounds like hell. I would say the same thing about the low-precision type PJ HTR 4 etc. ..
You understand that through these few lines I defend the brand and the distributor who makes available for us musicians who are not all pros instruments quite acceptables.Y has a kind of snobbery that would have us believe that if a guitar less than 2000 € you pay, it's crap ...... No, you can not buy too much equipment and gives complete satisfaction, so as to begin to go further .. .. After that, we can change for the look, ergonomics better suited, sound etc ... but here does not detract from the quality level of the starting material.


For all models I quoted:
perfect handle and refer to the original models is ditto.
For sounds, it's very acceptable, but nothing prevents upgradder with better microphones.


spend it all sounds, the more bluesy to clean lens or over drive


equipment used for over a year, either on stage, suddenly one, once the other, which have always given satisfaction. With recoilless course, I would do this choice,
The value for money HARLEY BENTON is quite amazing, do not be a snob and stay on good ideas that enrich a trading system that does not want to be