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LTD Viper-100FM
LTD Viper-100FM

SG-Shaped Guitar from LTD belonging to the Standard Viper series

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Published on 09/29/05 at 13:20






Playing with 6 months in a metal core band, I can only be satisfied by the thing. In fact the sound is really interresting trs for the price, but deprecated for fans of flamenco, lol, not indeed, this guitar is versatile trs but is extremely Reserved (and advice) for lovers of big big sound! The clean sound is ok, but the distortion! What about a hand that sent ca! I use a Boss ME 50 multi-effects branch of a Marshall 100 DFX, and I'm really satisfied with the rsultat. In addition, if you wall forms two EMG 81 and 85, c the pure joy (even if the pickups are original dj esp good though), and even agreeing with a few shades below (this is my case), no loss, the handle is certainly a little thick but enjoyable trs, the finish is correct (at the same time, 400, we do not have low prestige Ibanez), CHAC to treble is perfect, the style is really my taste, one little problem: his weight in short, a little jewelry for only 400. APRS, the Yamaha Pacifica, here SERIES Viper guitars trs qualitprix good report.