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Rocky Mountain Ouray Astro Dog Ceramic Slide

The Rocky Mountain Slide Company has unveiled the new Ouray (pronounced "U-Ray") Astro Dog slide, the latest in the company's "Custom House" line of products.

The Ouray Astro Dog is a bullet nosed rail style bar with a cut back, for a lower hand profile. The new ceramic tone bare was co-designed by Will Craven from the band Ten Toes Up.


Its lower hand profile is designed to offer comfort and control for the player. It is made of glass-glazed ceramic.


Pricing & Availability

The Ouray Astro Dog is priced at $39.99 online, $68.99 retail.


For more information, check out the Rocky Mountain Slide Company website.

  • wjcrave 1 post
    New AFfiliate
    Posted on 07/19/2011 at 13:16:14
    I use my Astro Dog every night on the road. I'll never go back to a metal slide. The ceramic slide is lighter and more resonant and it makes transitions easier. You will not be disappointed with the warmth the Ouray gives your tone.

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