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Fender Champion 30
Fender Champion 30
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Tijmar Tijmar
Published on 09/10/07 at 12:34
It's a transistor amp with a clean channel and a channel distortion (but with only one eq for both channels)

it is a 30W with a 10 "speaker, but they feel good! I do not exceed 3 / 10 level volume by repeating (in a metal band), so power is more than enough to play at home, repeating or sound systems for concerts.

Level connections, there is a hi-z input, a low Z, a footswitch jack and plug "external speaker"

Settings as there is a volume for the clean channel, a noluma Do and a gain for distortion, a 3-band eq (bass, mid, high) and reverb. All controls are effective, I do not push souvnet the pots thoroughly, (or for the gain for metal sound)


The setup is really simple, and very easily found a good clear sound, balanced with low present (despite the HP 10 ") chalereux mids and treble and present accurate. Until then I was not at all a fan of Fender, but this amp made me forget engl marshall and company! For sound distortion lacks a little bass to the very heavy metal (the palm is not enough to present to my taste of death, but the black or style that requires less bass should be very good!) I managed to find 3 sound, clear sound, sound distortion and a versatile sound, you come very easily to have a sound that is both balanced in clear and with good uen distortion, eq, but two would have been much more pleasant to use.
No need for manual!
I put 8 for the small lack of bass in the eq and distortion, which manages the clean and distortion at the same time


I play guitar with a mahogany with EMG (a 60 in the heats and H4 bridge) I manage to get all kinds of clean sounds thanks to the two microphones, sound blues (very round and warm) until its much slamming of reggea. I love this amp because it is very versatile in its light.
In disto it is more oriented sounds very saturated, but it can be quite a crunch sound, settings that are less simple for its clear, but it remains simple.


I use this amp for about 6 months, I like the fact that he has plenty of reserve power, clean sounds round and warm, saturated distos goods, etc. ...
I've tried several amps in the same price range (among others marshall, and a pevey engl tube that was worse than the).
It is also practical thanks to its weight (only 11kg) and its small size.
I would do without hesitation that choice, or I would take the above model for 2eq.