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Fender Princeton 65
Fender Princeton 65
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«  very good versatile amp »

Published on 03/05/14 at 14:32
ATTENTION: I think this product mixture 2 products!

1 / Princeton Reverb Amp is a tube amp 15w 1100 €
2/65 Princeton tout court; Transistor amplifier 65w which is no longer sold t it seems!

My opinion therefore focuses on the 2nd

2 channels clean and drive
2 normal & high input (normal / high)

jack send / return loop
remote terminal channels

65w transistor with exclusive dynamic touch system simulating the response of a real tube amp

Clear channel "Clean" Volume, Bass, Treble
Saturated crunch channel "Drive": Gain, Volume, Bass, Mid, Treble, Reverb


classical configuration

we get a good sound easily clean or drive


Yes, the panel is wide from jazz to rock but quality reminiscent of a light grain also

but rather crystalline fat with Gibson

Strato japan and Epiphone Les Pauls

Rather clean but the drive does demerit because it remains in a grain Fender way Stones, kravitz

No sounds that I hate but rather a preference for normal clean


a little more than one year

I knew what I wanted and I was totally conquered

versatility, quality construction, making it easily transportable size for use at home very controllable and even rehearsal stage.

R / Q / P is very good especially in time, relative to the field Vibrolux Xd and super Xd/X2 field too compressed issue sounds and a mid setting

Yes without hesitation