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Marshall MG15DFX
Marshall MG15DFX
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Canadalex Canadalex
Published on 01/07/09 at 05:23
Amplification with transistor-possibilitée emulation lamps ... Eggs that can go!

-Power output of 15watts more than enough to play in his room or in a small place so as not to disturb the neighbors xD!

-Ability to connect a headset (useful when playing at 11pm) and also his CD or MP3 player ....

-Then for the settings, it's really not hard!
A clean channel and 1 channel with gain Disto
3 Contour bass and treble equalizer (although I rather called the Contour middle because it does not really look like the Contour!
4 built-in effects with the possibility to adjust their power: Reverb (classqiue what!), Delay, Flanger and Chorus (the most fun for my taste)!


The configuration of this amp is really simple. This gives a sound quite easily though there is not much choice!
Regarding the manual, too lazy to read xD !......


So this amp, bah is rather hard rock, rock n roll but .... Room!! Me personal I started playing it with an Epiphone G400 SG and frankly it was nice. I'm having good with effects and everything. Now that I have a Gibson I prefer the bigger amps!
With the settings you can get sounds like AC / DC (well quick anyway), but it is quite rough though!
I liked the overdrive channel but be careful not to go too hard on the gain because qe otherwise it saturates, it crackles ... brief is not great. As for the Clean ... to shit! We must mount the amp hard to hear something! Where is the knowledge marshall??


I use this amp for 2 years is what I like about him is the small distortion which made for travel.
It is not very heavy, quite powerful.
I really do not like the clean, better a good scratch folk or classical in this case!
Frankly, when I acquire, I think too much and took direct Marshall (xD Fame!) But now I use my rather MG100DFX and my JCM900.
For value for money is 10/10! not too expensive and great!
If I were forced to sell my two big amps and take a small 15watts, I will take that live there!