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Marshall MG250DFX
Marshall MG250DFX

Solid-State Combo Guitar Amp from Marshall belonging to the MG 2nd Gen series

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MGR/metallicaman MGR/metallicaman

« Marshall MG250DFX »

Published on 11/07/03 at 15:00
Guitar Center for around $500 on sale.

I like lots of things about this amp. It comes with a foot petal, its lould, it sounds good, good overdrive, digital delay, and lots more.

If you turn it up really lould it squeeks when your in overdrive.

This this is rock solid.

Well, i bought this amp because I started a band(lithium.5u.com) and needed a good sound lould amp that is perfect for practices and small gigs.

This review was originally published on http://www.musicgearreview.com