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Peavey Bandit 112 II (Made in China) (Discontinued)
Peavey Bandit 112 II (Made in China) (Discontinued)

Solid-State Combo Guitar Amp from Peavey belonging to the Bandit series

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melting-julie melting-julie
Published on 12/28/09 at 01:43
Audience: Beginners
I have the 2007 models.

I once had a rather old Samick 15W .. So I could feel the power difference ^ ^

80 Watts

See previous review ..


<strong>Very easy to use!</strong>

I put less than 10 minutes to settle it and yet I'm just a debutante confirmed!

I just look a little manual (in English in my case, it's nothing but small criticism because it has still very good) to know what the purpose of each button, which normally <img class="smiley" src="/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_lol.gif" alt="" />

But really <span style="text-decoration: underline;">nothing to say</span> on that front.


Well put the record straight, my guitar (Cort G210) is not a wonder!

BUT ... Here we see that it is the amp that is most important in achieving good sound.

The distortion is simply great, I gave my direct overdrive pedal I've heard of this distortion (a Boss SD-1)! Well I must admit it is big, <span style="text-decoration: underline;">more for metal and rock music for the Jonas Brothers little pop</span> but hey! Even if you are not metalheads (se) (like me ^ ^) it takes to taste this distortion.

<strong>The distortion of this amp: VERY GOOD POINT</strong>

So the sound clean now ... And although it is too! I have not heard much because after discovering the disto I totally forgot but I remember a round, sweet lime and when the "lever" is set to WARN.

The two "levers" are really cool, both in CLEAN LEAD channel, we get a good range of different sounds.

<em>What are the sounds you prefer, you hate?</em>

Well I think you guessed, I preferred the disto! Reverb with 4 or 5 (by the way, nice reverb, my old 15W amp and did not mean the difference ..) and the lever in the middle, you get a beautiful sound perfect for solos.

Small flaw: the HP saturates when the bass is too strong, not very nice to hear .. You have to think down low if you do not play metal like me.

I do not put "only" 8 out of 10 because of the small defect and also pck this amp is not really at the base to my style of music more funk, but set a little sound can get a lot of different styles, I reassures the followers of the little pop Jonas Brothers <img class="smiley" src="/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_wink.gif" alt="" />


I have been using ... yesterday <img class="smiley" src="/images/audiofanzine/interface/smileys/icon_lol.gif" alt="" />

But I feel good that I will not get bored in a few years, this amp offers plenty of opportunities

it is perfect for advanced beginners like me guitar a few years behind them and aiùent play well in a few styles.

Frankly, do not hesitate on this amp, go for it!

If you don not like it you can resell it, the 2007 models are really <span style="text-decoration: underline;">hard to find time</span> (probably pck their owners do not want to leave!) Resale will be easy I think.

I found it at 170 euros fdp in, while the price is 275 euros nine, used but almost new. (I negotiated a bit ..)

Ps: I have the <strong>footswitch</strong> and I recommend to all buyers, very convenient to switch from clean round, soft, warm, distortion of the sick! ^ ^