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Transfer CG-30R
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«  good secondhand »

Published on 10/27/12 at 09:50
Audience: Beginners
30W transistor amp
1 HP 12 "open load
2 channels (clean and distortion) sharing a 4-band EQ
spring reverb
headphone (without emulation of HP, so of limited use)
Line Out
footswitch jack (mine does not)


Usage is very simple: the amp does one thing, but he does it well. Here no emulation, no digital effects processor or other complications.

It is very easy to get a usable sound with the equalizer, and high efficiency.

This simplicity is in my opinion a good thing for beginners, and avoid falling into the syndrome of cyber-FX multi-simulator-of-death, which lose sight of the basics, and gives the illusion technology that replaces the work. The wealth effect is more of a distraction than anything else.


I use it with a copy of Les Paul Stagg long ago, and more recently with jackson.

The clean sound is nothing special, but clean.

Integrated distortion is good, but do not expect to achieve significant gains.
For rock, it is perfect and meets very well the different guitars used.
When I need a big distortion I use a Boss Metal Zone.

The reverb can give depth to the sound, but does not sound good when pushed to the bottom.


I use this amp for over 6 years, with different guitars. I have since tried many other newer models of equivalent power, and also placed on the market for entry level.
The CG30R has never seemed ridiculous (I do not also include the extreme scores that have been assigned by other users).
It is very well compared to face roland cube 30, peavey Vypyr amps and other top prizes emulation. Transfer the sounds less at first, but when it comes to play group it appears better and takes better power (it can be really noisy compared to its size).
Current bestsellers have all the characteristics of being very flattering, making it very well when playing in his room, but no longer in a group illusion.

The build quality is good, the welds are very clean, the HP is not bad, and is a 12 ". Currently, for this power and price range manufacturers generally ride 10" or less, which be felt at high volume.

This amp seems implausible, given its simplicity and I know I could fix it if need be.

Even since I am equipped with the most pro gear, I do not consider myself part of this combo which is always very useful to me and I never asked any problems.
I use particular rehearsal or concerts in bars.

If I had to redo this choice, I do it again, given the very low bargain price.

I'll post samples when I have the time to register.