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Avedis Audio MA5

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  • moosersmoosers

    Avedis Audio MA5Published on 08/04/10 at 20:55
    The Avedis Audio MA5 is a 500 series (lunchbox) style microphone preamplifier. The preamp is made out of class A amplifier with a custom designed Jensen output transformer. It's made out of all analog parts, and is only rack mountable and usable in general with a 500 series rack style casing. Since it is a 500 series module, it uses the connections and power supply from the casing itself and does not have any on the unit itself.


    Using the Avedis Audio MA5 is really simple, as you don't need to know much backing about it to get used to it quickly. The parameters that the preamp has are for general gain and for output level. It also has buttons for 48 volt phantom po…
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    The Avedis Audio MA5 is a 500 series (lunchbox) style microphone preamplifier. The preamp is made out of class A amplifier with a custom designed Jensen output transformer. It's made out of all analog parts, and is only rack mountable and usable in general with a 500 series rack style casing. Since it is a 500 series module, it uses the connections and power supply from the casing itself and does not have any on the unit itself.


    Using the Avedis Audio MA5 is really simple, as you don't need to know much backing about it to get used to it quickly. The parameters that the preamp has are for general gain and for output level. It also has buttons for 48 volt phantom power, a polarity switch, and a high frequency exciter that is at 28 kHz and stands to add some high end brilliance to your sound when pushed in. I haven't seen the manual for the MA5.


    The Avedis Audio MA5 has a sound that it definitely reminiscent of a Neve module, as I'm sure they had Neve in mind when they were building this 500 series mic preamp. While I haven't had a chance to shoot out the MA5 and a piece of Neve gear, I'm confident enough to say that it's definitely got a Neve type of vibe going on. I've used the preamp to record electric guitars and bass guitar, and the MA5 really sounded great for these applications. I'm eager to try it out on some more instruments and for vocals, as it definitely seems like it has the versatility to cover just about anything...


    Building your own 500 series lunchbox can definitely be a great thing to have in any studio. A great way to save some money with 500 series racks is to check out smaller companies like Avedis Audio, as they have some great sounding gear at very reasonable prices. The MA5 is definitely one of these modules as it sounds awesome and is about the same price or less than most 500 series modules of this caliber. Do yourself and favor and check out the MA5 if you ever are able to or if you're seriously looking into getting a new preamp for your 500 series rack.
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